
567 Airport Boulevard

Office/Research & Development Building

567 Airport 1  567 Airport 2

The City of Burlingame has approved an application for a new, eight-story office/research & development building (241,679 square feet) and parking garage at 567 Airport Boulevard (proposed address of new building).  This project is currently under construction.  The project site currently contains two multi-tenant office buildings (five-story and eight-story) and surface-level parking.  The existing buildings will be retained.

The proposed project consists of adding an eight-story, 241,679 square foot office/R&D building and a 5.5-level parking garage to the campus. The total building area on site (existing and new buildings) would increase to 501,412 square feet.  Parking for the existing and new buildings will be provided at a ratio of 3 cars per 1,000 square feet, when including the new garage and surface parking lots. Other site improvements include new driveways, surfacing parking lots, landscape plaza, patios and walkways, service yards, as well as, utilities/equipment supporting the new project.

Planning Commission Meeting - October 25, 2021
On October 25, 2021, the Planning Commission approved the proposed project.  The staff report, attachments and proposed plans are provided below.

Staff Report

Response to Comments
Revised Traffic Impact Analysis
Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
 - Appendix A - Shadow Study and Findings
 - Appendix B - Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas, and Energy Modeling Files
 - Appendix C - Biological Resources Data
 - Appendix D - Tribal Consultation
 - Appendix E - Traffic Impact Analysis
 - Appendix F - Climate Action Plan Consistency Checklist
Proposed Plans

Project Graphics

CEQA - Environmental Review - Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (NOI) 
In accordance with Section 15072(a) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, notice is hereby given of the City’s intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project listed above.  The City of Burlingame has completed a review of the proposed project, and on the basis of an Initial Study and mitigations, finds that the project will not have a significant effect upon the environment.  The Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration are available for public review below.  Persons may also schedule an appointment to view a hard copy of the proposed Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration by contacting Ruben Hurin, staff planner for the project, at rhurin@burlingame.org or (650) 558-7256.

Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration
Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
Appendix A - Shadow Study and Findings
Appendix B - Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas, and Energy Modeling Files
Appendix C - Biological Resources Data
Appendix D - Tribal Consultation
Appendix E - Traffic Impact Analysis
Appendix F - Climate Action Plan Consistency Checklist

Comment Period:   
As mandated by State Law, the minimum comment period for this document is 30 (thirty) days and begins on June 28, 2021 and ends at 5 p.m. on July 29, 2021. Comments may be submitted during the review period.  Persons having comments concerning this project, including objections to the basis of the determination set forth in the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, are invited to furnish their comments summarizing the specific and factual basis for their comments, in writing to:

Ruben Hurin, Planning Manager
City of Burlingame Community Development Department
Planning Division
501 Primrose Road
Burlingame, CA 94010-3997
Fax:  (650) 696-3790 / Email: rhurin@burlingame.org 

Planning Commission Meeting - November 23, 2020
On November 23, 2020, the Planning Commission held an Environmental Scoping and Design Review Study Meeting to review the proposed project.  The staff report, attachments and proposed plans are provided below.

Staff Report
Proposed Plans
Project Graphics

Informational Meeting
New Office/Research & Development Building – 567 Airport Boulevard
Tuesday, November 10th at 6 PM

DES Architects hosted an Informational Meeting via Zoom to provide an overview of and answer questions about the proposed office/research and development building and parking structure.

Project Description
The following are pertinent details regarding the proposed development:

Zoning: AA (Anza Area)
Site Area: 12.8 acres 
Proposed Office/R&D: 241,679 square feet
Parking: 1,520 spaces for all buildings on site
Building Height: 8 stories, 133 feet


Project Planner 
Ruben Hurin, Planning Manager

Applicant of Record
Peninsula Owner, LLC
(650) 838-0100