
Disaster Preparedness

The City of Burlingame and Central County Fire Department recommend that you and your family are prepared in the event of any type of emergency including: earthquakes, prolonged power outages, severe weather, wildland fires, acts of terrorism, and more. Being prepared includes having and practicing emergency and communication plans, and regularly checking emergency supplies at home, at work, and in your community.

At Home
Plan ahead to be prepared to manage any type of emergency. Create a family emergency plan that includes communication plans, supplies, home evacuation, and reunification.  Remember to include your pets in your plan. Explain the dangers of fires, severe weather and earthquakes to family members. Assign responsibilities, discuss your plan and practice. Check smoke detectors, extinguishers, and alarm systems. Keep enough emergency food and water supplies on hand for 3-5 days per person. 

At Work
Develop an emergency plan with assigned responsibilities and chain of command. Ensure that vital documents and information are backed up and documented. Create a communication and business resumption plan. Have emergency supplies including food and water. Work with neighboring businesses.

In the Community
Get involved and be prepared in your community before an emergency occurs. Because many resources may not be available during an emergency or disaster, planning ahead is essential.  As such, know what community resources might be shared, take a Get Ready or Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) class, and get involved with a CERT team or a neighborhood network such as the Burlingame Neighborhood Network.

Recommended websites for checklists and tips

SMC Alert
Sign up for emergency alerts on any text-based device in Burlingame and other cities in the County at SMCalert.info.

Radio Stations
When disaster strikes, tune into radio stations KCBS (740 AM) or KGO (810 AM).

Burlingame Neighborhood Network (BNN)

This volunteer organization encourages neighbors to connect with one another to build a sense of community, become informed about emergency and disaster preparedness, and to support one another during emergencies and disasters. BNN offers quarterly programs, helps new groups get started and invites participation in BNN's annual emergency drill. Click here to learn more about the BNN.