
FEMA Flood Maps

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has identified parts of Burlingame that can sustain flooding during a 100-year storm event or an area that has a 1% annual chance of flooding. In 1981, FEMA issued a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for Burlingame designating the Laguna Area, Easton Creek Area, and the major creeks of the City to be in a “Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA’s)” that is subject to flooding during a 100-year storm event. The City’s current FIRM is dated October 16, 2012. In February 2013, FEMA authorized a coastal study that identified additional areas of Burlingame to be part of the SFHA’s. A link of the study can be found here. In June 2015, FEMA released a preliminary FIRM to the public. The new FIRM will be in effect on on April 5, 2019. Property owners that are added to the SFHA’s will be required by FEMA to purchase flood insurance. Rates vary depending on the insurance coverage for the building and contents. Staff presented the information to City Council on December 1, 2014 and January 19, 2016 where you can find additional information and resources. 

To find out if your property is in the Special Flood Hazard Area, visit FloodSmart.gov, and enter your address in the official site of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). 

If your property has been identified to be in the Special Flood Hazard Area by FEMA and you wish to determine the proper flood insurance premium rate or support the removal of your property from the FIRM through a request for a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA), you may complete an Elevation Certificate through the NFIP. 

Public Works Engineering has Elevation Certificates and Letter of Map Amendments (LOMA) that were processed through the NFIP or if it was required to be submitted as part of a building permit.  You can confirm if your parcel has an Elevation Certificate and/or LOMA on file with the City.  If you have an Elevation Certificate and/or LOMA and it is not in our database, please send a copy to dpw@burlingame.org so that we may update our records.  If you wish to obtain a copy of your parcels Elevation Certificate or LOMA, please send a request to dpw@burlingame.org with valid proof (title report or property tax statement) with matching identification (Government ID or equivalent) that you are the owner of the parcel.  

Property owners that are new to the Special Flood Hazard Area had been notified by the City and had the opportunity to meet with FEMA and City staff at an informational open house on March 15, 2016 at the Burlingame Main Library. Property owners had the opportunity to ask questions about engineering/mapping, flood insurance, and building code changes that may impact their property. 

To view the new Flood Insurance Rate Maps (2019), click on the links below (pdf format):

Note: Please use a computer to view maps due to the large file size.