
AB-481 Military Equipment Use Policy

2022 Burlingame Police Department Military Equipment Use Policy

The Burlingame Police Department does not possess any tactical equipment that it has obtained from the military, nor does it possess any equipment that was designed for military use.  

Regardless, California Government Code §7071(b) requires that law enforcement agencies submit a proposed Military Equipment Use Policy to their governing body for approval. This is further required by Burlingame City Ordinance. 

California Government Code §7070 provides a list of equipment types that are considered to be “military equipment” for purposes of this policy requirement, and this Military Equipment Use Policy includes information for any such equipment types that are possessed by the Burlingame Police Department, or reasonably likely to be deployed in Burlingame by other law enforcement partners.  

Michael Matteucci
Chief of Police

BPD Military Equipment Policy

Military Equipment List