
General Plan Update

General and Specific Plans

In 2015, the City of Burlingame initiated a multi-year process focused on a community-led effort to update the City’s General Plan and Zoning Ordinance, called “Envision Burlingame.” The General Plan and Zoning Ordinance are the City’s two documents that regulate all land use, environmental and transportation decisions made by City leaders.

The Envision Burlingame process will result in goals and strategies for desired change in the City by answering the question: “How do we want Burlingame to look, function and feel 25 years from now?” To answer this question, residents, business owners and other community members have been engaged in a comprehensive discussion regarding mobility, urban design, recreation and parks, health, natural resources, and economic development opportunities.


The City Council adopted the General Plan at a public hearing on January 7, 2019. The plan may be viewed either as an electronic "ePlan" or as pdf documents. 

Individual chapters may also be downloaded as separate pdfs, with the links below:


The full draft of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) can be downloaded below:


The designated comment period for the EIR concluded on August 20, 2018. A total of ten EIR comment letters were received from the public and from public agencies. The FEIR provides responses to comments received during the public review and comment period.

Click here to download the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR)

The environmental and regulatory setting of the Burlingame planning area with respect to the Draft Environmental Impact Report is described in detail in the General Plan Existing Conditions Report.

Summary of Key Findings by Chapter (November 2015)

Cover (November 2015)
Contents and Credits (November 2015)
Chapter 1: Introduction (November 2015)
Chapter 2: Land Use and Urban Form (November 2015)
Chapter 3: Economics and Market Demand (November 2015)
Chapter 4: Transportation and Mobility (November 2015)
Chapter 5: Infrastructure (November 2015)
Chapter 6: Natural Resources and Hazards (November 2015)
Chapter 7: Open Space, Parks and Recreation (November 2015)

Complete Document (November 2015)

Notice of Preparation (NOP) of the Environmental Impact Report was posted in August 2017, and the scoping session was held on August 14, 2017

Notice of Preparation (NOP) - Environmental Impact Report - (pdf - 865 KB)

Questions and Comments
Contact Community Development Director Kevin Gardiner via email or phone at 650-558-7250.