
Organizational Compass

The City of Burlingame is an organization that exists to serve and benefit the community. We deliver unsurpassed municipal services that enhance the quality of life for our citizens. As employees of the City of Burlingame, we recognize the leadership role we play in the community and we hold ourselves accountable to those we serve. We value the partnership that exists between the organization and community and strive to foster and maintain that relationship. As such, we are committed to the tenets of the Organizational Compass. 

COMMUNITY SERVICE that is responsible to and meets the needs of the public by: 

  • Being dedicated to the community we serve
  • Involving and understanding our community
  • Anticipating and adapting to the changing needs of our citizens 

AN ETHICAL ORGANIZATION that interacts with the public and each other in an honest and professional manner by:

  • Treating people with respect and dignity
  • Taking responsibility for our decisions, statements and actions to the organization and community
  • Dealing with differences and conflicts in a professional, respectful and authentic fashion

compassONE ORGANIZATION that fosters positive relationships and teamwork by:

  • Being part of the solution
  • Creating and maintaining constructive relationships while respecting individual contributions
  • Focusing on the issues and needs of the organization and community
  • Encouraging behavior that builds confidence and self esteem
  • Emphasizing self-initiative, constant improvement and employee involvement

POSITIVE LEADERSHIP that is nurturing and forward-thinking by:

  • Recognizing the leadership role all employees play in the community
  • Encouraging innovation and creativity
  • Leading by example
  • Being supportive, humanistic and compassionate

As City employees we embrace the Organizational Compass and will be guided by its points.